Investing Group

Investing Group is a monthly discussion group focusing on current publicly traded companies
that offer growth potential as possible investments. This is not like an investment club with a
fixed methodology that pools its money, but will be a discussion of a company’s position in its
market, its prospects for growth, its stock price versus its competitors, and its financial history.
Markets and companies will be selected by the group for discussion, perhaps with an
emphasis on innovations, such as graphene batteries, mushroom-based building materials,
etc. We may also take a detour and explore phenomenal company declines, like WeWork,
Rivian, Theranos, etc. The group’s format could include presentations by individuals or teams,
as well as updates on the group’s “portfolio” of discussed companies and their progress.

Who is a good fit for this group?
1. You should have some or no knowledge of investing,
2. You should have a desire to see your money grow, and
3. You should have little or no knowledge of accounting but a desire to learn.

Questions? Please contact Elaine