MISSION: Our branch mission is to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research, while also providing members with opportunities for leadership, learning, and networking.
VISION: Our branch shares and supports the AAUW vision to empower all women and girls to reach their highest potential.
GOAL #1: Advocate AAUW mission
a- Increase yearly number of AAUW Mission based programs.
b- Pay Equity
c- Violence against Women
GOAL #2: Engage new and current members and maintain retention of existing members.
a- Welcome, include and validate members.
b- Encourage members to attend interest groups and get more involved.
c- Choose projects that embrace diversity in membership and programs that excite and engage members, as well as foster positive community changes.
d- Solicit new members on an on-going basis with an emphasis to increase diversity in age and other demographics.
GOAL #3: Strengthen ties with University of Hawaii at Hilo (UHH) and Hawaii Community College (HCC)
a- Mentorship Program
b- Increase visibility on campus
c- Liaison with UHH Women’s Center & UHH Gender & Women’s Studies Program
d- Increase Free e-student Affiliate Memberships.
GOAL #4: Increase the presence of AAUW in the community
a- Cultivate partnerships & identify community groups that have similar mission goals.
b- Determine community needs and address specific issues.
c- Increase awareness of social issues.
d- Explore more use of web technologies and social networks.
GOAL #5: Increase advancing Educational Opportunities
a- Scholarships offered for women attending UH Hilo with at least a Junior status or Post Grad based on a “rubric template” .
b- Increase the annual Scholarship Funding through event fundraising.